
How do I publish my products in the Sourcing section?

If your product has valid brand qualification issued by The LYCRA Company, you can publish it in the Sourcing section. 


  1. Your company has to have a business account with a designated Admin user who can publish products.

  • If you’re not the Admin user, please contact them for assistance, or become an Admin user here.

  • If you’re already the Admin user, please follow these steps:

  1. Select Sourcing on the main menu

  2. Click "My product listing"

  3. Choose the style number of the product you want to publish

  4. Click the "Edit sourcing product page" button in the header that is only visible if the product has a valid brand qualification.

  5. Complete the form

  6. Check the checkbox at the bottom of the page (or the page won’t be published)

  7. Click "Save changes"


Tip: Products will not be displayed in Sourcing if you don’t check the box before saving changes, or if you haven’t published your Sourcing company profile.


Related topic:
How can I edit and publish my company profile page?