Increase speed to market
The LYCRA ONE™ Marketplace makes it easy to connect with a reliable fabric manufacturer that prioritizes quality and efficiency. When you use the LYCRA ONE™ Marketplace for all your fabric sourcing needs, you’ll gain access to a global network of mills and fabric suppliers, creating high-quality fabrics using our advanced fiber technology.
How can you commercialize your ideas faster than your competition and increase your speed to market? Work with The LYCRA Company!
The top performing fashion companies make speed to market a priority and they are getting faster all the time. Don’t be left behind.
Wherever you are in the world, we can help you make supply chain connections that will deliver the quality fabrics and garments you need at the right price, in the shortest amount of time possible.
Read on to discover the many other advantages you gain by working with us.
在 2020 年,我们对来自 50 个国家的 1900 家面料厂的 1 万多种面料进行了认证。那些生产采用 LYCRA®(莱卡®)纤维的认证面料的纺织厂,都非常了解每种纤维的主要特点及与消费者利益相关的知识。他们还可以获取我们的独家市场研究和消费者洞察。
我们提供 30 多项 LYCRA®(莱卡®)品牌技术和数百种衍生技术,满足几乎所有需求,包括实现循环经济的可持续解决方案。
我们的 EcoMade 系列纤维均采用了用前和用后回收材料及可再生资源。选择通过 EcoMade 认证的面料打造您的可持续服饰系列。
借助 LYCRA®(莱卡®)品牌提高销售
品牌和服饰制造商:确保您采购的弹性面料经过测试和认证,符合 LYCRA®(莱卡®)品牌的严格性能标准。
只有经过认证的面料,才有资格获得标识授权和免费的 LYCRA®(莱卡®)品牌纸质吊牌和虚拟吊牌来促进销售。
新的在线采购平台旨在打通价值链,让在线采购面料和寻找供应商变得比以往更简单。介绍 LYCRA ONE™ 平台,莱卡公司为客户提供的全新销售支持工具。
- 点击下方按钮,在 LYCRA ONE™ 上创建一个账户
- 注册后,登录并访问“采购 > 寻找面料”
如果您在亚洲采购面料,欢迎向我们咨询 LYCRA EXCHANGE™ 网络中的世界一流面料厂的信息。这些工厂授予使用最新推出的 LYCRA®(莱卡®)纤维技术以及消费者洞察和趋势。
Why Choose LYCRA ONE™ Marketplace?
The LYCRA ONE™ Marketplace makes it simple to connect with a wholesale fabric supplier you can trust. Our online fabric sourcing marketplace allows you to quickly and easily locate mills and garment makers that craft apparel for peak performance, comfortability, breathability, and support.
The LYCRA ONE™ Marketplace is home to apparel fabric manufacturers and fabric wholesalers. Brands can quickly and easily browse our global online network of fabric wholesalers that prioritize high-quality fabrics and speed-to-market. Becoming a member of our global network opens the door to worldwide fabric sourcing and helps you provide consumers with apparel they’ll love.